Saturday, August 15, 2015

Benefits of papaya
The benefits of papaya fruit is a powerful fence for digestion and chapters, but did you know that papaya store thousands of other benefits. Papaya is a fruit that many plant species in maintained and grown in various gatra. papaya fruit is enjoyable hearts any atmosphere. from papaya that is still young and mature, can be used as a culinary very tempting. behind it all, papaya is well taken because the properties are also medium papaya fruit with, contains about 120 calories, 30 grams of carbohydrates (in which there are 5 grams of fiber and 18 grams of sugar) and 2 grams of protein. Papaya is an excellent source of vitamin C and the benefits of papaya, providing 224% of the daily requirement. Other papaya contents consist of:


 • fiber.3
 • Vitamin B 
• vitamin k 
• lycopene 
• Folic
 • alpha
 • Vitamin E 

• Calcium 
• Potassium 
• Vitamin A 
• lutein
• zeaxanthan 
• magnesium 
• Copper
• pantothenic acid 
• beta carotene

papaya benefits for healthpapaya important health benefits for all especially to enhance the immune system of the human body. many studies have shown that increased consumption of plant foods such as papaya have, reduce health risks, even beneficial for skin beauty:

1. The anti-inflammatory

papaya benefits for people with arthritis, osteoporosis, which can relieve pain due to anti-inflammatory enzymes contained in papaya. The enzyme also has properties to prevent cancer. 

2. strengthening the immune system 
vitamin C and vitamin A produced better body. beta carotene compounds contained in papaya, is needed to boost the immune system of peyakit. therefore, papaya may be a healthy fruit choice for preventing diseases such as infections, colds, flu and relieve fever. 
3. healthy bones 
Vitamin K deficiency is associated with a much higher risk, on the issue of fractures. it is important to consume papaya, to meet the needs of vitamin K for bone health is good. because changing the bone matrix protein, increases the absorption of calcium and may reduce the excretion of calcium excretion. 
4. good for diabetics 
in one study showed that people with diabetes have type 1 who consume high fiber had higher levels of blood glucose and type 2 diabetics may increase blood sugar, lipid and insulin. with 1 medium papaya fruit, provides about 4.7 grams of fiber. 
5. prevent heart disease 
fiber, potassium and vitamin hearts papaya help prevent heart disease. increased intake of potassium, which is simultaneously performed with a reduced sodium intake, which can reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. papaya enzyme content can also help prevent the oxidation of cholesterol that can reduce cholesterol and help prevent heart disease symptoms. 
6. digestion 
papaya benefits that the husband is not foreign, if Andari difficult chapter, papaya solution. The hearts are papaya digestive enzymes such as papain, which is useful hearts aids digestion. in addition, it can also be useful to soften the meat. Papaya also contains fiber and high sugar content. both these nutrients, very good hearts constipation prevention and launch big waste of air, so healthy digestive tract. 
7. prevent macular degeneration 
eaxanthin the liver antioxidant compounds found papaya, filtering harmful blue light rays are expected, will be heart protective role of eye health to ward off degeneration. 
8. accelerate wound healing 
when the papaya is used to operate topically with mashing the fruit, appear useful to accelerate wound healing and prevent infection in the burned skin. the researchers believe that the proteolytic enzyme papain chymopapain and papaya hearts functioned like an ointment. ointments containing papain enzyme has also been used to treat minor injuries. 
9. prevention of asthma 
the risk for developing asthma, will be lower in the forest orangutan who consume a high amount of certain nutrients. one nutrition papaya hearts are beta carotene, which contained many hearts papaya. as it is also found in broccoli, melon, squash and carrots. 
10. reduce weight 
research experts in the hearts showed there are more young papaya enzymes compared with ripe papaya. papaya enzyme in an impact on the equity of protein, carbohydrate and fat in the body. metabolic systems are becoming more and also make burning fat into energy that goes optimal well.

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