Monday, August 24, 2015

Benefits of Pumpkin

Pumpkin by American society and some other countries are often used as one of the attributes of Halloween. In Indonesia, squash much sought after when the fasting season of Ramadan came to be made into compote or fresh blended fruit drinks. Pumpkin flour can be applied to some food products, such as noodles, bread, ice cream, cookies, cake, and others. The flesh of a pumpkin can be used directly through several stages of processing into chips and sticks pumpkin. 

Nutritional Ingredients and Benefits of Pumpkin Yellow 

Pumpkin heavy fruit can reach 3-5 kg. Usually this fruit has a green color and a pale yellow color. Pumpkin Fruit yellow or orange carotenoids is very high. Carotenoids in pumpkin mostly have beta-carotene which is a source of antioxidants, which can prevent premature aging and cancer.Pumpkin also contains vitamin C, which serves as the body's immune, iron serves for the formation of blood, potassium is useful to maintain water and electrolyte balance in the body and pumpkins also contain fiber that serves to the body's digestive 

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Benefits of Spinach

Spinach is one of the vegetables with vitamin tiggi and familiar with the people of Indonesia and the world. with broad green leaves and stems are not so high is a hallmark of spinach. The price is cheap and easy to obtain also several advantages spinach. Even so, the spinach has several benefits for the health of your body. So, what are the properties of spinach for the body ?????

Spinach has a variety of nutrients needed by the body. Various nutrients and vitamins contained in spinach is a good source of vitamins A and K, magnesium, folate, calcium, fiber and protein and low in calories. The nutrient content of various brands of spinach into a complete nutritious food.

Monday, August 17, 2015

Benefits of Oranges

Oranges are one of the most popular fruit in the world and one of the most nutritious fruits among others. Orange contains more than 60 different flavonoid compounds and also contains more than 170 different phytonutrients. These compounds have diverse properties associated with healing.Research shows that eating citrus fruits is one of the best ways to get health benefits than taking supplements. Citrus fruit is also known to help the body to absorb nutrients. In addition, citrus fruits offer a high enough fiber so good for the health of the digestive system.

Sunday, August 16, 2015

Benefits of Apple

Apple is a fruit that has a skin color of the fruit is red, and green. most people would be familiar with the shape and flavor of this apple. Apples are very easily found in markets, supermarkets or other shopping places. Because it is classified into the fruit, then the apples must contain a variety of vitamins and nutrients that are beneficial to improve the quality of health of the body. For that, start eating apples regularly, to prevent the body from various diseases.
Based on the facts that have been verified, a variety of fruit - fruit is able to meet the needs of various nutrients, vitamins and fiber that is needed by the body, not surprisingly, in today's modern society always choose a variety of fruits in the daily menu is no exception with apples. we will reveal some of the benefits of apples for the body. Here are 7 benefits of apple for health: 

Saturday, August 15, 2015

Benefits of papaya
The benefits of papaya fruit is a powerful fence for digestion and chapters, but did you know that papaya store thousands of other benefits. Papaya is a fruit that many plant species in maintained and grown in various gatra. papaya fruit is enjoyable hearts any atmosphere. from papaya that is still young and mature, can be used as a culinary very tempting. behind it all, papaya is well taken because the properties are also medium papaya fruit with, contains about 120 calories, 30 grams of carbohydrates (in which there are 5 grams of fiber and 18 grams of sugar) and 2 grams of protein. Papaya is an excellent source of vitamin C and the benefits of papaya, providing 224% of the daily requirement. Other papaya contents consist of:

Friday, August 14, 2015

Soursop Cancer Drug 10,000 X Folding Of Chemo Terapy

So far, we know that cancer can only be treated with chemo therapy. But it seems This perception must be removed. Why? Because there is actually a natural remedy to kill cancer cells whose power ten thousandfold more potent than the chemo therapy. This natural remedy is a fruit that is familiar to the people of Indonesia. Soursop fruit and leaves Soursop 

 But, Why We Do not Know? Because one company's secret research findings on this tightly-meeting, they want to fund research in a very large spend, over the years, may return in advance plus generous benefits by making Synthetic Graviola tree as raw material for medicine and medicine in sell to the world market. Alarming, several people died in vain, pathetic, because the malignancy of cancer, while the giant companies, drug makers with a turnover of billions of dollars to close This tree magic secret meeting. Short tree, in brazil named "Graviola", in Spain "Guanabana" English language "soursop". The fruit spiny soft, white flesh, sweet-sour / acid, eaten by way of
opening the skin or for the juice.

Thursday, August 13, 2015

Benefits Of Bananas

Banana is a fruit that you may eat every day. Bananas contain a complete sugar called glucose, sucrose and fructose. Banana calorie content of approximately 90 calories, this value is high for the fruit category. Many sportsmen make a banana as a favorite fruit. bananas benefit very much. Did you know that the banana fruit, fruit every day you can eat, has properties very much. Bananas efficacy ranging from anemia, constipation, reduce morning sickness, reduce the effects of a hangover, lowering blood pressure for people with high blood pressure and many more benefits of bananas is very suitable for people with hypertension / high blood pressure. Hypertensive patients are encouraged to reduce foods high salinity. Bananas are very suitable for people with hypertension because bananas contain the content was minimal. bananas are rich in potassium, high potassium content also great for patients with high blood pressure. The combination of a high potassium and salt are very low making banana beneficial for people with high blood pressure. Bodies authorized to grant permission for the feasibility of food in the United States (FDA) has recognized the benefits of bananas so as to enable fruit producers claimed that the benefits of bananas can lower the risk of blood pressure and stroke.